1) 19th century French frame (SOLD)2) 19th century carved and gilded Cassetta frame3) 19th century Dutch octagonal turtleshell frame with ormolu mount (from my permanent collection)4) carved and gilded Walnut Italian Baroque style frame…(SOLD)5) 19th century Dutch faux turtleshell frame (from my permanent collection )6) 19th century Architectonic frame with Nuremburg coat of arms (from my Permanent Collection)7) 18th century carved and gilded Bolognese frame, private collection8) 18th century carved Flemish ‘ripple ‘frame (from my Permanent collection)9) 17th century carved and gilded English “Lely” frame (SOLD)10 ) 18th century carved and silvered Italian frame SOLD11) 18th century carved and gilded Bolognese frame12) 19th century caved and gilded Roman frame (from my permanent collection)13) 19th century Dutch ‘ripple’ frame (from my permanent collection)14) 19th century carved and gilded Florentine frame15) 19th century carved oak British tabernacle frame (from my Permanent Collection )16) 19th century painted British ‘cassetta’ frame17) 17th century carved and gilded Bolognese frame (from my permanent collection)18) 17th century carved and gilded Florentine frame, (SOLD)19) 19th century carved and gilded British frame (one of a pair) (SOLD)20) 19th century carved and gilded Florentine frame, private collection